Therapists at Monarch Family Therapy have experience working with a wide array of age groups, and make it our mission to connect with each client & family.
Services Offered
Individual Therapy
Children's Therapy (Ages 5+)
Adolescent Therapy (Ages 12+)
Young Adult Therapy (Ages 18+)
Family Therapy
Telehealth available for residents of KS & MO
Scope of Specialty Areas
Children & Adolescent Concerns
Behavioral & Academic Concerns
Career Counseling
Relationship Concerns
Life Transitions
Psychotherapy sessions are typically 45-50 minutes; some sessions may be shorter or longer depending on client's needs. Sessions will occur at a frequency agreed upon by the client & or client’s family & therapist. The frequency of appointments may be adjusted at any time, based on the progress of treatment. Regular review of your treatment progress & ongoing need for therapy will be discussed throughout the treatment process.
All sessions & treatment goals are designed to meet your individual needs.